
The Business, a retail experiment (whose past employees include Karl Blau and Phil Elverum), was founded in 1978 by Anacortes legend Glen DesJardins. In its humble beginnings The Business carried everything from stained glass and books to bird seed and photography equipment. Bret Lunsford (Beat Happening, D+) owned The Business from 1995-2004 and launched house label Knw-Yr-Own Records. Liz and Jensen Lovelett owned the store from 2005-2010 and moved it to the historical downtown district. In 2016, the shop was moved to the Olson Building. In 2023, it was moved once more to the Wilson Hotel. Since 2010, The Business has been owned by Nick Rennis and Evie Opp, who continue to culture Anacortes via their devotion to fiercely independent new music. In 2012 Nick and Evie began The Business Distro-, which continues to grow and expand the role of The Business on a global scale. They provide label operations and mailorder fulfillment for hundreds of self-releasing artists and independent labels. The Business occasionally curates local shows – please check the events page for more information and the current schedule.

The Business was named the Best Record Store In Washington.
More lengthy explanations of the project and mission can be read here.

Speculative economics and flippers are bad – we are happy to cancel your order if it seems like you’re participating.


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