Nothing by Darkside LP $28.99
New Series 1 by K-Group LP $19.99
Sedan Crater by Shrapnel LP $19.99
This subscription program is available for both in-store pickup and shipped globally. Choose from: Distro- Cassette Subscription – One tape from our family of labels each month for 12 months. $90 Distro- CD Subscription – One CD from our family of labels each month for 12 months. $120 Distro- Vinyl Subscription – One record from our family […]
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Something on the horizon pique your interest? Let us know! There’s a good chance we can get a copy for you. There’s no extra cost of special ordering, and your items usually take about a week to arrive here. Pre-orders typically arrive on or around release day. We can […]